Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this work the spatial and electronic structure and vibrational spectra of the monomeric complexes of the natural dipeptide of carnosine with zinc for two tautomeric forms of N1H and N3H of its imidazole ring were studied by the quantum-chemical method of the DFT / B3LYP density functional in the 6-31G basis. Geometric and energy parameters were obtained, the values of partial charges on atoms were calculated, the frequencies and intensities of the absorption bands of the IR spectra of the complexes and the theoretical spectra of the complexes of both tautomeric forms were obtained. The paper presents energy parameters, the values of dipole moments and HOMO and LUMO orbitals as well as partial values of charges on the atoms of the complexes under study. The dipole moments of the molecules indicate a greater compactness of the spatial configuration of the complexes with the shape of the imidazole N3H ring. Theoretical interpretation of the obtained theoretical spectra of monomeric complexes of carnosine with zinc for two tautomeric forms on the distribution of potential energy over vibrational coordinates was made.

karnozin, kompleksy s cinkom, struktura, kvantovo-himicheskie raschety, kolebatel'nye spektry
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