One of the most important tasks solved in the design of the DSS of the Navigation Safety Sy stem (DSS BS) is the task of ensuring global security. One of the components of the solution to this problem is the use of monitoring sy stems that allow obtaining various p arameters of the state of the internal subsy stems of the vessel, the state of the environment and their interaction. With the growth of automation of internal technical systems, their functional and structural complexity, the number of parameters to be assessed in the monitoring system of the DSS BS increases. This is especially true if there are internal or external threats that lead the system to an emergency state. In this work, based on the decomposition of the global target problem of navigation safety and analysis of the structure of the DSS BS, the task is to develop an appropriate methodology for creating automatic monitoring in the intelligent DSS BS, which, using a set of sensors in real time, allows predicting the state of the ship with the required reliability.
the DSS of the Navigation Safety System, complex technical systems, monitoring system, automatic monitoring, monitoring results, parameter, tracking, the state of the vessel and the environment
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