The rolling bearing is used in a variety of marine machinery and equipment. They are reusable, highly loaded elements. Wear of bearings and their failure to replace them in a timely manner can lead to an inoperative state of the mechanism and to an emergency. The article shows the main reasons for the failure of rolling bearings. In this regard, it is extremely important to monitor their condition in order to prevent emergencies. Timely CIP methods allow you to determine the condition of the bearing based on the vibration spectrum. For this, spectrum analyzers are used, each of which is focused on working in a specific frequency range. The article provides a calculation of the expected frequency range for a particular bearing. This allows the selected spectrum analyzer to timely track and replace bearing failures
Friction bearing, Wear, Fatigue, Defect, Vibration spectrum, Separate frequency, Diagnostics, Spectrumanalyzer
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