Operation of marine low-speed diesel engines with electronic drive indicates that over time, damage and failure occurred due to the natural deterioration of steam and hydraulic systems, high-pressure fuel pumps and nozzles, as well as exhaust valves with a hydraulic drive. To increase the resources, marine diesel engine decontaminators usually use new wear-resistant and heat-resistant materials, since high-carbon alloyed steels, stainless steel, cobalt-based alloys are styllites, nickel-based alloys are nimonics and inconels, in particular for exhaust valves. This increases the reliability of the parts, increases the overhaul periods and guarantees a long service life.
diesel engine, electronic control, operation, parts, materials, technologies, wear
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5. Hudyakov S.A. Sovremennye sudovye malooborot nye dizel'nye dvigateli: sostoyanie, perspektivy i problemy / S.A. Hudyakov, A.B. Ignatenko// Ekspluataciya morskogo transporta, №1(94), 2020. - Novorossiysk, GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova. - S. 143-154.
6. Hudyakov S.A. Ustalostnaya prochnost' detaley su dovyh tehnicheskih sredstv: monografiya / S.A. Hudyakov, H.A. Taranuha, M.M. Frolov// - Novorossiysk: RIO GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2019. - 196 s. ISBN 978-5-89426-160-7.
7. Leont'ev L.B. Povyshenie nadezhnosti sudovogo oborudovaniya tehnologicheskimi metodami. V 3 t. Tom 3. Vosstanovlenie i uprochnenie detaley / L.B. Leont'ev, V.B. Hmelevskaya. - Vladivostok: Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet; Dal'nauka, 2005. - 356 s.
8. Hudyakov S.A. Tehnologicheskie metody vossta novleniya i povysheniya iznosostoykosti detaley mashin: ucheb. posobie / S.A. Hudyakov, L.B. Leont'ev,- Novorossiysk: GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2018. - 176 s.
9. Hudyakov S.A. Ustalostnaya prochnost' detaley su dovyh tehnicheskih sredstv: monografiya / S.A. Hudyakov, H.A. Taranuha, M.M. Frolov. - Novorossiysk: RIO GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2019. - 196 s. ISBN 978-5-89426-160-7.
10. Hudyakov S.A. Analiz prichin povrezhdeniy i otkazov sudovyh tehnicheskih sredstv: ucheb. posobie / S.A. Hudyakov, A.B. Strutynskiy. - Novorossiysk: EMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2020. -173 s.
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