It is noted that modem automation systems for ships of the sea and river fleet are equipped with these special electric motors. The question of constructing a new mathematical model of a special asynchronous electric motor without external phase-shifting devices is considered, since today there is only a theoretical description of such models, which takes into account the influence of not all transients occurring in a special asynchronous machine. For these purposes, a new mathematical model is proposed in the article, which takes into account the influence of transients in all modes of operation of an asynchronous electric machine. The analysis of the main proposed methods for compiling mathematical models is carried out and it is concluded that it is impossible to use not one of the standard models, but it is necessary to create a new mathematical model of a single-phase asynchronous electric motor without external phase-shifting devices for ship automation systems. It is taken into account that the solution to this problem is relevant not only for ships, but also for many sectors of the national economy, since there is also the opportunity to replace a morally obsolete drive with a special singlephase asynchronous electric motor without external phase-shifting devices. To explain the phenomena occurring in the electric motor, mechanical characteristics are given, as well as the dependence of the starting and maximum engine torque on the angle. The result of this work is to obtain a new mathematical model that describes electromagnetic processes that occur in single-phase induction motors in a steady state, as well as the obtained mathematical model makes it possible to calculate electromechanical transients that occur in single-phase asynchronous motors without external phase-shifting devices .
single-phase asynchronous motors, mathematical model, external phase-shifting devices, ship automation systems, transients
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