To simulate the movement of a tanker when performing complex maneuvers in real sailing conditions, it is necessary to introduce in its mathematical model a mathematical description of the power loads that determine the nature of the influence of external factors present in the maneuvering area on the maneuverability characteristics of the tanker. When maneuvering in open sea conditions, all well-known external factors, including waves, are usually present in the maneuvering area. The article presents a method of mathematical modeling of the force effect of irregular waves on a tanker. Irregular excitement has a number of features, each of which affects the specifics of its mathematical description. It is quite well studied in terms of its impact on the seaworthiness of the vessel. Nevertheless, research in the field of navigation requires a slightly different approach in determining the power loads on the ship's hull in order to determine the influence of waves on its maneuverability.
maneuvering, tanker, waves, power loads, mathematical modeling
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