Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The efficiency of actions for protection of a computer system depends on a threat implementation method. It is defined by a concrete security measure, a concrete subsystem of safety. Means of protection of an information system interact in a complex. Assessment of potential of protection of information systems - a task relevant. Is implemented by various methods (expert, heuristic, mathematical, statistical, for example, classifications of threats by danger). Mechanisms, configurations of protective measures are considered. Except problems of identification of the structural components which are subject to assessment, formations of a complex of indicators it is necessary to have the generalizing, integrated indicator of level of security of all system. It is necessary to consider that the class of security of a system formally is defined by "the index of risk", for example, the difference of the maximum rating of degree of privacy of the data processed by a system and the minimum rating of admission of users. At the same time at each company is (systems) - the requirements to security: some the insider concerns, others the DDoS-attacks, the third - authentication, etc. Formalization of a task in language of the theory of counts and mathematical logic is carried out. The concrete mathematical model of the attacks of the information systems of group division into a class protected reliably and a class of poorly protected is considered. The model is applicable to problems of protection of ship networks. Also regression, dispersive analysis by a row of years is done.

system, network, threat, protection, vulnerability, mathematical model, cyber threat, analysis of variance
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