Purpose of this research is to study the effects of a essential oils mixture applications on the dynamics of the correlation of the immune and hormonal status, and the treatment efficiency of osteoarthritis. Materials and methods. 30 women with OA were treated with applications of 5% mix EO: lavender, gin-ger, peppermint, rosemary, pine, clove, nutmeg, eucalyptus, thyme, anise. Dynamics of the correlation of immu-nological status indicators: total number of cells; absolute and % of number of total lympho-cytes,CD3,CD4+,CD8+, To cells, indicators immune-regulatory index CD4+/CD8+, absolute and % indicators CD19, IgG, IgA, IgM was studied. Dynamics of the correlation of endocrine system: STH, PL, cortisol, , TTH, fT4, fT3, PTH, CT, osteocalcin, LH, FSH, ED and TS, DHEA, AS, PG, INS, С-P, index HOMA-IR was also studied. Results. Before treatment - immunodeficiency CD3, CD4, increase CD8+ (cytotoxic cells), low level in-dicators index CD4+ /CD8+ were revealed. Low level indicators CD3, CD4 according to the correlation analysis resulted in reducing the formation of IgM, IgG, IgA was noted. Before treatment low levels of sex steroids ED, TS were revealed. The main hormones support the immune system before treatment, were ED, PTH, CT. After treatment – there were increase in CD3, CD4-cells, index indicators CD4+ /CD8+, reduced CD8, a statistically significant increase in TS (p<0.05), reducing INS and glucose (p<0.05), index HOMA-IR (p<0.05).The main hormones support the immune system after treatment began INS (p<0.05) and thyroid hormones, PTH. The dynamics of the correlation of the immune and hormonal status is associated with a decrease in pain, improved joint function, according to index Lekena (p<0.05).
osteoarthritis, essential oils, correlation immune and hormonal systems.
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