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Abstract (English):
336 children with lymphoproliferative syndrome were examined to determine and develop criteria for predicting the risk of developing the primary form of Epstein-Barr viral infection, recurrent respiratory diseases, adenovirus infection. On the basis of the obtained results, criteria were developed for predicting individual risk of developing diseases with lymphoproliferative syndrome, the main parameters of which were significant risk factors revealed during the study. The method of prediction of risk and early diagnostics of diseases with lymphoproliferative syndrome convenient in use to pediatricians, infectologists and specialists of medical institutions, which allows to isolate children with high risk of developing lymphoproliferative syndrome and to diagnose in a timely manner the primary form of Epstein-Barr viral infection, recurrent respiratory diseases, adenovirus infection tonsillary form.

prognosis of risk of development, lymphoproliferative syndrome, children
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