Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This review article discusses methods for measuring the main mechanical properties of thin films: tensile testing, indentation, evaluation of the mechanical strength margin for the curvature of the plate-thin film system, bulge method and research using a deformed and resonant cantilever. In the process of critical analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources, the advantages and disadvantages of the methods were revealed; the authors' motivation for conducting such studies was explained. In addition to the existing widely used methods, an original and relatively new technique is given - the use of electric current as a controlled means of applying thermo mechanical stresses to electrical conductors to characterize their fatigue behavior. Approaches for increasing the mechanical strength of thin films are also indicated.

Mechanical properties, strength, yield strength, mechanical stresses, Young's modulus, grain size, material fatigue, thin films, defects, deformation, MEMS

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