Russian Federation
The article discusses issues concerning various points of view on the problems associated with the development of innovative potential both at the level of the Russian Federation and at the regional level. The analysis of statistical data concerning the number of personnel engaged in scientific research and development; the level of innovative activity of organizations, the share of innovative goods, works, services in the total volume of goods shipped, works performed, services; the number of organizations performing research and development; the number of patent applications and the issuance of patents in the Russian Federation. The study found that the innovation system in the Russian Federation is going through a new stage of development and there are a number of challenges that do not allow it to fully function both at the regional and federal levels. The analysis of the strategy for the development of science, technology and innovation of the Tula region until 2030 was carried out. According to the results of the study, the relevant conclusions were formed.
innovation, innovation processes, innovation system, strategy, human capital, innovation potential
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