Ural'skiy federal'nyy universitet imeni pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B. N. El'cina
Abstract. Purpose of the study is the development and testing of a methodology for calculating the organizational effectiveness of an enterprise taking into account its digital development. Research methods. An overview of existing methods for assessing organizational effectiveness is presented, shortcomings are identified. A methodology for assessing the organizational effectiveness of an enterprise, taking into account its digitalization, has been developed; the methodology has been tested at agro-industrial enterprises. Scientific novelty. The proposed methodology for assessing the organizational effectiveness of an enterprise allows to calculate an integral index of organizational effectiveness, taking into account the correspondence of the actual ratio of the growth of indicators to their location in a dynamic standard, which allows us to assess the degree of compliance of decisions made with the claimed strategy at the level of an individual enterprise and creates an information and analytical base for assessing the organizational effectiveness of the enterprise as a whole. Results. In accordance with the developed methodology, it is assumed to rank a self-generated list of indicators according to the "golden rule of economics", calculate the growth coefficients of indicators for a selected period of time, assign actual ranks based on these data, calculate deviations and inversions of ranks and calculate the Spearman and Kendall rank correlation coefficients, followed by their combination in an integral indicator of organizational effectiveness capable of taking values from 0 to 1. One of the indicators used for calculations is proposed to be the level of digitalization of the enterprise, the method of determining which is also presented in the work. As a result of testing the methodology, it was revealed that for enterprise 1, the integral indicator of organizational effectiveness is 0.80, for enterprise 2 – 0.48, for enterprise 3 – 0.27, for enterprise 4 – 0.63. Of the four selected enterprises, only one has a sufficient level of organizational effectiveness.
organizational effectiveness, indicators of organizational effectiveness, digitalization index, digitalization level, normative system of indicators
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