graduate student
, Russian Federation
graduate student
Purpose: The development of recommendations on the improvement of energy efficiency and safety of freight and passenger transportation process on the basis of the analysis of aerodynamic interaction processes between moving rolling stock and tunnel-type artificial structures. To study the effect of air flow on electric rolling stock (ERS) and locomotive crew using SolidWorks program, Flow Simulation module. Methods: Investigation of the principle of formation of air environment structure in the portal part area of standard type tunnel structure that’s equipped with means for leveling air pressure fluctuations by air mass movement modeling by “braked rotor” method. Results: The design of tunnel portal part was developed and numerical study in the SolidWorks Flow Simulation environment was carried out. At tunnel entrance and exit, it is possible to reduce several times air flow velocity, affecting ERS and tunnel structures, as well as to stabilize air mass pressure and to bring atmospheric pressure closer to normal one. Practical significance: The proposed design allows to improve cargo and passenger transportation quality and namely to reduce negative pressure and velocity of air flow, affecting locomotive crews, passengers and tunnel structures as well as to lower electric rolling stock power consumption.
Aerodynamic effect, artificial tunnel-type structures, frontal air drag, confuser, diffuser, finite element method, static pressure, numerical simulation
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