Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The authors proposed a project for the introduction of an unmanned aerial vehicle for monitoring pipeline routes in order to promptly detect gas leaks and prevent violations of security zones and minimum distances from gas transport facilities. In the course of the research, the criteria for selecting the necessary equipment were determined, the economic and financial indicators of the project implementation were assessed, the project risks were assessed, the analysis of environmental, technogenic and socially significant indicators of the project was carried out. The implementation of the project will prevent serious accidents of a man-made or environmental nature by premature detection of natural gas leaks, reduce costs and time in comparison with ground-based control methods, reduce the influence of the human factor on the results of monitoring by automated systems of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, pipeline monitoring, innovative technologies, risk assessment, evaluation of economic efficiency of projects, oil and gas industry.
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