Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Development of the device for diagnostics and monitoring the state of grounding system of catenary poles in real time to create a comprehensive solution to the problem of low-maintenance grounding system of catenary poles. Methods: Comparison of the characteristics of element base for the device depending on application geographical area; electrical calculations for element selection from existing elements on the market. Results: Different solutions are considered as well as the most optimal ones for creating the device for diagnosing and monitoring the state of grounding system for catenary poles in real time are identified and summarized. Practical significance: Urgent necessity in the existing realities in creating and implementing devices for realtime diagnosing and monitoring power supply systems, including power supply ones of railroads, grounding system for catenary poles, is shown. Calculations for the given device by geographical zones are presented and also, real, the most optimal elements for such device from existing ones on the market are shown.

Low-maintenance system, grounding system, diagnostics and monitoring, alternating current, catenary pole
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