Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To improve record accuracy of external power supply network influence on the operation of traction power supply systems of industrial frequency AC. The article shows that existing mathematical models of traction and external power supply joint operation have sounding limitations. These limitations almost exclude the possibility of their practical use. At the same time, when projecting a new electrification, it is required to choose the most efficient external power supply scheme. At the exploitation of existing electrified sections, the necessity arises to assess equalizing current value during repairs in external power supply networks and to adopt a decision on changing power supply and sectioning schemes. Corresponding model is required to solve these tasks. Methods: Analysis of existing mathematical models and computer programs for joint calculation for traction and external power supply networks. Development of three-phase PU-generator models on the basis of EMF source behind an inductive resistance, development of three-phase and single-phase load models. Results: The article presents a description of a mathematical model implied to study the joint operation of 25 kV AC traction power supply systems and 110-750 kV power supply systems. The principles of building the model of three-phase and single-phase PU-generators on EMF source basis behind inductive resistance as well as the models of three-phase and single-phase loads are considered. Based on the given mathematical expressions, a computer model has been developed that allows analyzing the joint operation of three-phase external power supply networks and single-phase traction ones. The model is implemented in MATLAB-Simulink software package. Using this computer model, the influence of power flows through 110–330 kV network of Karelenergo and “FSK EAS” Public Companies on equalizing currents in the traction network of Knyazhaya — Idel section of Oktyabrskaya railway was analyzed. Practical importance: The reliability raise for traction power supply system operation at the expense of precise calculation of equalizing currents. Energy loss reduction in a traction network in account of traction network optimal power supply scheme choice.

Traction power supply, two-way power supply, equalizing current, power flow, power flow calculation, PU-generator
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