UDK 339.13 Рынок. Анализ рынка. Спрос. Предложение. Конкуренция. Маркетинг
UDK 658 Управление предприятиями. Организация и техника торговли
The article reveals the conceptual foundations of managing the innovative development of an enterprise and defines theoretical principles, as well as scientific and practical approaches to the economic interpretation of the process of innovative development of an industrial enterprise. The aim of the study is to define the conceptual provisions, as well as to build a model of integrated safety-oriented management of the innovative development of an industrial enterprise. The process of managing the innovative development of an enterprise is substantiated as a systemic management of innovative activities aimed at forming and ensuring the achievement of economic growth through the rational use, building up and distribution of innovative and economic and technological potential. A conceptual model of safety-oriented management of the innovative development of an industrial enterprise is presented. It is noted that special attention should be paid to the factors of economic security of an innovative enterprise, which in a general sense should be understood as the structure and composition of the elements of the socio-economic system of an enterprise in the production (functional) and institutional (role) context. A conceptual model of safety-oriented management of the innovative development of an industrial enterprise is proposed, which is integrated with the general concept of managing the innovative development of an industrial enterprise and is based on its theoretical basis: goals, objectives and principles, subjects and objects of management of innovative development, the management mechanism and its provision. It is proved that the application of the principle of safety orientation requires the transformation of the elements of the concept and management system of innovative development. The system of security-oriented management of the innovative development of an industrial enterprise is considered on the basis of two alternative approaches - as an additional functional subsystem of the general system for managing the innovative development of an enterprise, which provides for the addition of the latter with elements of economic security management; and also as a kind of management system for the innovative development of an enterprise, transformed on the basis of the target of its safety orientation. The results of the analysis can be used in the processes of developing and implementing a policy for regulating entrepreneurial activity in economic systems of various levels.
innovative development, economic security, management, potential, industrial enterprises, model, technologies
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