Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the prospects for the use of fruits Schisandra chinensis (the "Debut" variety), introduced and cultivated in the Krasnoyarsk region, to enrich of flour confectionery products. The prospects for the production of flour confectionery products enriched with biologically active introduced and cultivated in the Krasnoyarsk are considered. The study of the chemical composition showed that the fruits contain a rich complex of biologically active compounds unique and specific for this type of flora: unsaturated fats with PUFA (in fresh fruits – 7,6g), sugars (2,5 g), dietary fiber (1,1 g), polyphenolic compounds (10,3 mg), vitamin C (110 mg), organic acids (2,28 g).The antiradical/antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of Schisandra fruits was studied by UV and visible spectroscopy using a model DPH radical. It was revealed that the aqueous extracts have high antioxidant/antiradical activity: the maximum value (47%) was recorded at the extraction time of 60 minutes and 30 minutes exposure. The recipe and technological scheme of the production of the enriched product "Muffins with Schisandra" are proposed. It was shown that the organoleptic and physical-chemical characteristics of the product corresponded to the regulated indicators of GOST 15052-2014. Cupcakes. The conducted tasting evaluation showed its good consumer properties. The nutritional, energy and biological value of the product was determined. It was shown that the product "Muffins with Schisandra" superior to the control sample of the "Stolichny" cupcake in terms of the content of most essential nutrients. The content of dietary fiber in 100 g of the product is 12,5% of the recommended daily value, polyphenolic compounds – 6,35%, ascorbic acid – 20%, magnesium – 58%, zinc – 31%, selenium –27%.

Schisandra chinensis fruits, chemical composition, antiradical / antioxidant activity, enrichment, muffins, nutritional, biological and energy value
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