Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the sequence and content of the stages of the introduction of lean manufacturing tools and visual management in order to adapt them to domestic enterprises. A typical sequence of stages of implementation of the visual management system at the enterprise is given. The main disadvantages of its implementation at Russian enterprises are listed. A modified sequence of stages of the introduction of visual management tools is proposed, taking into account the specifics of domestic enterprises with a detailed description of each stage. A dynamic model of personnel training is proposed for use as part of the implementation of the stage of creating conditions for the introduction of visual management tools. The approximate composition of competencies and the scale of their assessment for conducting an expert assessment of the level of development of competencies of each employee has been determined. The efficiency indicators of the introduction of lean production tools, in particular, visual management tools, which best demonstrate for employees the economic feasibility of the proposed solutions for the introduction of lean production tools, are substantiated. It is shown that the implementation of the proposed sequence of stages will allow: to prepare employees of enterprises in a timely manner for the expected changes; to endow employees with the appropriate competencies to put forward effective proposals for the further development and implementation of lean production tools; to increase employees' awareness of the need, relevance and effectiveness of the proposed changes based on understandable performance indicators determined for each specific division of the enterprise.

lean manufacturing, visual management tools, personnel training, dynamic training model, competencies, performance indicators

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