Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject is oral fluid and its changes under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from a personal computer. Purpose of research is to identify changes in the physicochemical parameters of the mixed saliva of users before and after working on the computer; to determine the protective properties of the mouthwash against the impact of computer electromagnetic radiation on the oral fluid. Methodology. The research work involved 20 men aged 20–24 years. The study consists of two blocks. The first block is aimed at identifying changes in the physicochemical parameters of mixed saliva under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from a personal computer. The second block is focused on determining the protective properties of the rinse aid of a well-known Russian brand from the effects of electromagnetic radiation from a personal computer on the oral fluid. The material of the study is oral fluid, which was used for potentiometric determination of pH, acid and alkaline buffer capacities, surface tension, total protein concentration, inorganic phosphorus, ammonium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and α-amylase activity. The obtained data were processed in the Statistica 8.0 program. Basic statistics are applied, multiple comparison of fees using the Friedman criterion. Pairwise comparison of collections was carried out using the Wilcoxon test. The result is presented as the median (lower and upper quartiles). Differences were considered significant at p < 0.05. Results. The action of the electromagnetic field of a personal computer caused a decrease in the level of most of the physicochemical parameters of mixed saliva. The use of a mouthwash from a well-known Russian commercial and industrial company helped to reduce the number of saliva components exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a personal computer. Conclusion. The electromagnetic radiation of a personal computer has an adverse effect on the physicochemical parameters of mixed saliva. The rinse aid makes it possible to stabilize the changes in the mixed saliva of a person, caused by the action of the electromagnetic field of a personal computer. This hygienic product can be considered as a way to protect the oral fluid of computer users from the adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation from a personal computer.

mixed saliva, personal computer, electromagnetic radiation, mouth rinse, saliva diagnostics

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