Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article presents information on the quality of long fiber obtained from flax of various quality of 31 varieties of flax of domestic and foreign selection during processing at flax processing enterprises of flax-growing regions of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the research is to determine the strength of the influence on the quality of the long fiber obtained during the processing of flax at processing enterprises, factors of the flax-long flax variety and the number of flax. Methods. The material for the study was flax fiber, represented by 523 batches and the long fiber obtained from it. The control developments of the flax trust were carried out according to a special methodological program with an assessment of the quality of fiber products according to the current regulatory documentation. A rating assessment of varieties by the quality of long fiber and a dispersion analysis of experimental data was carried out according to the scheme of a two-factor uneven complex. Results. Using the rating assessment of varieties by the quality of long fiber, a group of varieties characterized by its highest quality was determined when determining the number of flax on the entire evaluation scale. These include the following varieties: Al’fa, Tverskoy, Zaryanka, Dashkovskiy, Mogilevskiy 2, Tomsk 16. It is noted that in the context of the numbers of the flax trust, the set of varieties with high quality of long fiber represented by the rating varies significantly. It was found that the number of long fibers obtained during the processing of flax is more dependent on the quality of the produced flax (dispersion ratio Ff = 92.0 > Fst = 8.6) than the grade factor (Ff = 6.9 > Fst = 3.3). It is shown that the solution to the problem of improving the quality of long fiber that meets the requirements of the textile industry is primarily associated with the production of high-quality flax. The flax must have a quality of at least number 1.50. Scientific novelty. The priority of the factor of the flax seed number over the factor of the flax variety is proved, and their reliable influence on the quality of the long fiber produced at flax processing enterprises.

variety, flax, quality, number, flax, long (frayed) fiber, processing
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