Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors investigate the problem of monitoring learning outcomes, which contributes to improving the quality of training of university graduates. The tools of the Moodle e-learning environment to monitor learning activity of students are considered. The possibilities that Moodle services provide to the teacher to improve the quality of course resources, as well as the effectiveness of student learning are identified. The Moodle educational environment (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) is a free learning management system focused primarily on interaction between the teacher and students, although it is also suitable for conducting traditional distance courses, as well as supporting in-person training. The study shows that by means of Moodle, a teacher can create courses, filling them with content in the form of texts, auxiliary files, presentations, questionnaires, tests, etc. As a part of the study, the authors created an electronic training course “Fundamentals of Financial Computing” with an emphasis on the use of the interactive control and measurement complex of the development of the discipline. The monitoring of students’ cognitive potential as a component of mathematical competence was carried out. The results of pedagogical measurements are presented, which demonstrate the positive dynamics of the quality of subject education in the conditions of informatization of life spheres.

monitoring learning outcomes, economic education, mathematical competence, electronic learning environment Moodle

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