Based on long-term statistical data, an analysis of the seasonality of demand, supply and prices for wheat in the Russian market was carried out. It was revealed that the volume of supply, the volume of processing, export and demand for wheat are constantly recurring changes. Supply of wheat in June in August, and the occurrence of a case of occurrence of supply over demand. In the following months, the supply changed dramatically until May. Demand for wheat (both domestic and export) is most active in anticipation and in anticipation. Export of the maximum load in August-September, processing — in September-October. At the end of the agricultural season, in anticipation, the demand for wheat, its stocks and exports of minimum indicators. It has been established that demand and most of the wheat season are in the supply phase to each other. The study did not reveal pronounced repetitive fluctuations in wheat prices. It is concluded that it is necessary to take into account seasonal economic use in economic practice and in the sphere of regulation of the grain market.
grain, wheat, autocorrelation, grain market, supply and demand, stocks, exports, flour production, seasonality index
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