, Russian Federation
The behavior of consumers of services of Chinese catering enterprises is constantly evolving, it is influenced by a large number of factors controlled and not controlled by enterprises. Accordingly, the results of the survey study of the behavior of Chinese consumers will serve as the basis for the development of a set of measures to influence behavior, which will ensure the achievement of the intended goals at the lowest cost. The methodological approach presented in the article to the development of proposals for managing the behavior of consumers of Chinese catering services includes the research process, the structure of the questionnaire and the technology of processing the survey results in a static package. The research process includes four stages, the structure of the questionnaire includes questions that can describe three areas of research: 1) preferences regarding restaurants, 2) factors of influence on consumer behavior at each stage of the purchasing decision, 3) a portrait of respondents. Proposed technology of processing survey results in statistical package includes descriptive (frequency) analysis and hypothesis testing on presence of relationship between multiple and univariant variables on the basis of Pearson's Chi-square calculation. The verification of the proposed methodological approach was carried out on the basis of a study on the example of a survey of residents of Tianjin, China. The results of testing the hypotheses put forward confirm that the study should be conducted on the basis of a survey of Chinese consumers of catering services in individual cities of the PRC and are of practical interest for planning measures to influence the behavior of consumers of services of specific catering enterprises of the city.
features of consumer behavior of catering services, consumer behavior, influence factors, the process of purchasing decision, field research in the form of a survey, frequency statistical analysis, relationship between variables
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