Organizational and management measures in countering organized forms of professional crime in a modern metropolis
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Abstract (English):
Countering organized forms of professional crime in the conditions of a modern metropolis should be carried out accounting for the peculiarities of the criminological characteristics and determination of organized forms of professional crime, as well as the criminological features of the modern metropolis as a specific social and legal reality. Given that organized professional crime is a specific type of crime, countering it requires proper organizational and management provisions. Organizational and management measures in countering organized forms of professional crime in the conditions of a modern metropolis should be aimed primarily at eliminating the problems of information, staff, methodological and resource support of this activity. Statistical records of primary information about crimes and the persons who committed them must be formed with an eye on the various signs of criminal professionalism. It is necessary to provide adequate human resources for prevention activities, first of all, to staff the internal affairs agencies with the specialists of various profiles. It is necessary to develop specialized methods for identifying, discovering and investigating organized forms of professional criminal activity, specified in accordance with specific types and criminologically significant features of professional criminal activity. It is necessary to develop specialized methods for identifying, discovering and investigating organized forms of professional criminal activity, specified in accordance with specific types and criminologically significant features of professional criminal activity. Based on the criminological features of organized forms of professional crime in the conditions of a modern metropolis, as a specific type of criminal activity, systematic intradepartmental and interdepartmental interaction between the agencies should be carried out basing on the organized nature and types of perpetrators of the criminal activity, on the direction of professional criminal activity, as well as its scale.

organized crime, professional crime, metropolis, counteraction, provision, organizational and management measures
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