, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The modern russian doctrine of criminal procedural evidence includes a ban on the use of the results of operational investigative activities in proving. It is based on the ideology of the investigator as a subject of proving objective truth. The investigator is authorized by means of investigative actions to turn the results of operational investigative activities into means of proving the truth. In the accusatory criminal procedure system, information and materials received by both parties are transformed into a means of proving the truth only after cross-checking. As the Italian experience shows, the transition from the investigative system to the accusatory criminal procedure system and the adversarial technology of proving the judicial truth is inevitable in the context of building a rule of law and democracy.
criminal procedure, operational investigative activity, proof, evidence, truth, means of proof, adversarial
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14. Alexandrov A. S. Competitiveness and objective truth. Criminalist’s library. Scientific journal, 2012, no. 3, pp. 142—157. (In Russ.)