Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the definition of a new subject of crime - digital weapons, the analysis of the degree and nature of the public danger of acts committed with its use. The phenomenon of digital means, tools, objects of crimes that arose as a result of the penetration of information and telecommunication technologies into everyday life is investigated. An attempt was made to formulate new categories that define inaccurate behavior on the Internet and integrate them into the current legislation. The question is raised about considering digital weapons as a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. The timeliness and social conditionality of the criminalization of the circulation of digital data used to commit crimes and the establishment of criminal liability for the commission of acts using digital weapons are substantiated, the main measures aimed at counteracting such crimes are proposed. The legal nature and basic principles of the functioning of information tools for committing crimes are investigated. The study considers arrays of inaccurate user accounts of information and telecommunication networks as an example of a digital weapon. The article raises the question of the need to criminalize certain digital technologies that form the tools of criminals in the digital environment. Taking into account the problems raised in the article, the authors formulated proposals for improving the current legislation in the form of a new norm of the special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

bots, computer crime, Internet, information and communication technologies, arrays of accounts, national security, inauthentic behavior, fake accounts, account farms, digital crime
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