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Abstract (English):
Purpose: When freight wagon cart engineering it’s necessary to assess its load-bearing elements on strength at the impact of forces expected during exploitation. These force value depends on cart design and parameters. One of cart elements, which for it’s necessary to evaluate a strength, is a side slipper. Moreover, its placement position on bolster is ought to be evaluated on a strength also. Existing approach of strength evaluation for a side slipper and its placement position, that is set in documentation, doesn’t allow to calculate load force depending on the cart design and parameters. In this regard, it’s needed to substantiate a formula allowing to take into account cart design specificities and parameters at the definition of maximal vertical load on a side slipper at its strength evaluation. Methods: Limit state, defining side slipper maximal load, is the case of wagon rollover over a rail at the effect of side forces upon a wagon. Analysis of analytical expressions used at the calculation of stability margin coefficient against wagon rollover. Results: The article analyses the documents, where the methods for the calculation of maximal forces effecting a side slipper of a freight wagon cart are expounded, and the scientific works, where the cases of side slipper destruction are described, which reason for can be occurring in exploitation high by their level forces between a side slipper and carriage body counterpart. In exploitation, maximal force, impacting on a side slipper, is embodied from the body fell-over at side loads that appears from wind pressure, outstanding acceleration and others. The pursued job has given an opportunity to deduce the formula allowing to state maximal value of vertical force, effecting a slipper, depending on the parameters and design of a cart. Practical importance: The force, calculated in accordance with this formula, allows to assess the strength of side slipper elements and of slipper placement positions at load-bearing constructions depending on cart parameters and design.

speed wagon, freight wagon, cart, slipper, strength, force, load
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