Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Peculiarities and problems that should be considered, when preparing reports on engineeringhydrometeorological research, for project documentation development. Scientific-technical support of reporting documentation on engineering research for linear objects showed the need in some cases to create climate models and maps of being studied parameters distribution. The importance of the development of meteorological observation research institution is pointed out because being obtained data are critical for being projected facility row. Recommendations, on the example of meteorological parameters, on design of distribution maps for being investigated parameters and on drawing graphs for these parameters value change along being projected linear objects. Methods: Analysis and comparison of the results on engineering hydrometeorological research, given assessment of sufficiency of the presented data, while solving applied tasks on linear objects. Results: Need to increase in some cases the number of involved meteorological stations for the possibility to create distribution maps for being studied parameters was established. An example is presented and the comparison of distribution maps, created using data from reporting documentation, with those created from additional information was made. It was also found that existing network of hydrometeorological stations on the territory of the Russian Federation is insufficient to obtain results of necessary accuracy, especially, when designing linear objects as well as objects located along the route of being projected line. Practical importance: The possibility of using maps of hydrometeorological parameters distribution for to obtain data in areas, being remote from hydrometeorological stations, has been demonstrated. It is concluded that it’s necessary to increase the number of observation stations for being studied parameters that will reduce the ambiguity in hydrometeorological calculations when determining the parameter values for to justify projection decisions

railway route, hydrometeorology, modeling, parameter distribution map, hydrometeorological stations
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