Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The article discusses the features of forming a control impact on the social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation from the standpoint of managing the admission and facilitating the successful implementation of the educational process at Russian universities. The article is devoted to solving the problem connected with developing scientific research of FSBEI HE “Bryansk State Technical University” in the field of social and economic systems in relation to a difficult-to-formalize object of management, namely a social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation. The authors specify the features of managing the admission process of the Tajikistan Republic’s representatives to the Russian Federation universities and their further training using the tools of the BPMN specification. The novelty of the work is determined by formalizing the functional blocks of controlling the social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation, in the form of concrete managerial influences. As a result, the specific features of supporting the process of managing the social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation are determined by the supervising representative from the Republic of Tajikistan, who is considered as a decision maker in the work. The presented decomposition in further research will allow moving on to forming effective management decisions for the purposes of the previously formalized system for managing the social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation.
social system, Tajik students studying at Russian universities, management system
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