Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various technologies of acupuncture in treatment of patients with vertebrogenic syndromes. The study included 90 patients at the age of 52 years with a diagnosis of lumbo-sacral dorsopathy; methods of examination of this group were clinical, pathopsychological and instrumental, including analysis of somatosensory evoked potentials. The correction methods were intramuscular injection of homeopathic drug Target T and pharmacopuncture as this tool, and saline solution. The authors indicate that the results observed in the course of pharmacopuncture, are not only reflex and medical components. However, the healing mechanisms of the technology didn’t fully disclosed; the researchers deliberately avoid use simulation pharmacopuncture (placebo) in dorsopathy, indicating the complexity of its implementation and an a priori lack of effectiveness. The present work is aimed at solving this problem by extending the evidence base of reflexology. The study found that the rate of formation of positive reactions and their stability are directly dependent on the applied reflex-technologies. In particular, the reflex potentiation and drug effects in the course of pharmacopuncture with the use of the drug Target T, and the volatility of results in response to the use of saline solution were identified. In addition, delayed, cumulative therapeutic effects of the standard use of the drugs were presented. It was confirmed by follow-up data. The solution of the concrete problem - the possibility of using placebo in studies on acupuncture - has been achieved.

dorsopathies, reflex therapy, pharmacopuncture, thermography, somatosensory evoked potentials

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