Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors have identified priority units – target neuroprotective therapy aimed at restoring the ratio NO/glutathione restored. For this purpose, animals with acute cerebral blood flow (stroke) were injected modulator selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase medicament "Selenaza" in various doses. In the experiment, the authors used the model of bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries – by type of ischemic stroke to Wistar rats. It has been shown that the administration of different dosages "Selenaza" significantly reduces stress marker nitrosating stress - nitrotyrosine, improves the reduced glutathione and glutathione peroxidase enzyme, modifies thiol-disulfide equilibrium in the direction of its reduced forms. According to effect – dose dependence, the concentrations of sodium selenite were calculated ED50 drug "Selenaza", it was 50 ug/ml. Conclusions: These results suggest that selenium protects neurons against hypoxic/ischemic damage by reducing oxidative stress, restoring mitochondrial functional activities, as well as increase levels of reduced glutathione and glutathione peroxidase and reduce markers of nitrosating stress- nitrotyrosine.

cerebral ischemia, nitrosating stress, neuroprotection, Sodium selenite, ED50

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