Recently, a number of children with chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs is growing in Russia. This article considers the clinical manifestations of children with chronic gastro-duodenal diseases. The problems of the chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract are relevant due to the significant prevalence the digestive diseases in children, among them the leading place is a gastro-duodenal pathology. The high prevalence of this pathology in children is an important social and medical problem. An analysis of the prevalence of digestive diseases among the children in the Russian Federation indicates that over the last 20 years there is a significant increase in gastrointestinal pathology in children and uncontrolled increase in the incidence of diseases of the stomach and duodenum. The clinical manifestations of a chronic gastro-duodenal pathology are various and depend on the degree of structural changes of the organs, their location, a stage of the pathological process, functional status and disturbance of metabolic processes in the body. Chronic diseases of the digestive system in children often begin in pre-school and school age. The gastro-duodenal diseases have a relapsing course, they are a cause of anatomical changes of the body. In the future, it leads to loss of earning capacity and disability among the adult population.
clinical manifestations, digestive organs, chronic diseases
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