, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 325 Миграция населения. Колонизация. Колониальный вопрос
High-quality information support for training highly qualified Russian athletes is impossible without the organization of a system of regular monitoring, selection, analytical processing and systematization of leading foreign coaches’, scientists’ and specialists’ publications. In this regard, the content of the research is based on a comparative analysis of training highly qualified athletes in different foreign martial arts schools. The article reveals various aspects of athletes’ training involving the biomechanics of motor actions, the physical development of high-class athletes, the features of their training process and competitive activity. Ways to improve various aspects of sports training are considered; specific result-oriented methods, primarily aimed at working out striking techniques with hands, are shown. Modern scientific studies of the theory and practice of training athletes are presented; a systematic analysis of the methodology in the main areas of activity is carried out. The considered distinctive features of achieving professional sport skills in foreign martial arts schools can serve as the basis for the development of effective training programs for hand-to-hand athletes. The author makes a conclusion that the important component in the martial arts training of boxers and hand-to-hand fighters is the achievement of a high level of technical and tactical preparedness, physical and functional development, as well as psychological stability, which together ensure the optimal level of effectiveness of the use of attacking blows and defensive combinations.
highly qualified athletes, hand-to-hand combat, striking, boxing, sports training, professional skills, hand striking technique, research
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