This article describes service and ergonomics as a competitive advantages of the hotel. Currently, price competition goes by the wayside, while hotel guests pay more attention to the quality of service and design of the hotel. The materials of the article describe the conditions for the creation of high-quality service at the hotel: the participation of management, adequate funding, improving the quality of customer service, staff training, participation of all employees in the program of improving service, and also the article lists the qualities which, in the opinion of customers, should have the hotel staff. Physical characteristics (design) of the hotel also play an important role in getting the customer experience of staying at the hotel. Tourism is developing rapidly, people are traveling more and more, and requirements for their service become stricter. And now the hotel owners are starting to come up with "flavors", using different design tools that can make them stand out among other hotels to meet the needs and interests of clients, which is fundamental to the definition of "service". The complexity of the interior design of hotels is that there is the need to create a beautiful and comfortable design for guests, but at the same time it should be functionally efficiency. To solve such problems the science of ergonomics is suggested, which deals with fundamental aspects required in planning the design of a space, and therefore, is an integral part of quality service. The article describes the ergonomic requirements for the design environment of the hotel through anthropometric and color aspects, and also the author gives the definitions of "ergonomics", "service", "design", "anthropometry".
service, quality of service, design, ergonomics, anthropometry, hotel, color, space, competitive advantage.
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