Togliatti, Russian Federation
The problem of stray animals is caused by violation of safety standards and is an extremely relevant issue on the public agenda. In scientific publications, this issue is usually connected with post-materialistic values. It involves the humanist values and the principles of biocentrism, which apply ethical and legal norms to animals. The research objective was to study the issue of homeless animals as a social problem, as well as various solution methods. The research was based on Russian and foreign social studies that discuss the problem of homeless animals. The analysis shows that the problem of stray animals and ways to solve it are reflected in conflicts between moral and legal norms. The empirical part of the research included an Internet survey conducted in Togliatti in 2019 and the method of unstructured observation. Representatives of different gender and age groups proved to have different views on the problem and its solutions. The survey participants did not favor preventive measures and proposed to create long-term charity-funded shelters.
homeless animals, security, social movements, environmental problems, social norms, animal shelters, charity
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