graduate student from 01.01.2019 until now
Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
This article describes the research of the applicability of using the local importance of criteria in multi-criteria optimization problems. The theory of the global qualitative importance of criteria is currently well developed, there are many works on this topic. Moreover, numerous computer decision support systems (DSS) using global importance exist. However, the local importance of criteria is investigated very weak - there is no even mathematical definition for it. Authors have not been able to find in the public domain optimization algorithms and DSS using local importance. The authors start by formulating a mathematical definition for local criteria importance by adding specific limitations to the existing definition for global criteria importance. The next step is creating an iterative optimization algorithm that works with local importance criteria too. However, it is needed to check the applicability of this algorithm that is why authors create a DSS that realizes it. After a series of experiments, the authors conclude that the algorithm is applicable for real optimization problems.
Multicriteria optimization problems, criteria importance, global and local importance, decision support systems (DSS)
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