Methodology and algorithm for calculating and selecting of pumping aggregates for storage tanks of liquid products
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article presents a methodology for calculating the basic parameters and selecting of centrifugal pumping units for filling (emptying) storages of liquid products (for example, vegetable oils). Centrifugal pumping units are widely used in the operation of tank farms for various needs of the national economy, in particular, for temporary storage of liquid products in sea and river ports when they are transshipped from land transport to ships, or from ships to land transport. As an example, the projected storage of vegetable oils in the port of Yeysk (Azov sea, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation) is given. The methodology includes the calculation of average fluid velocities, linear and local hydraulic losses in the intake and pressure pipelines, pipeline diameters, pump performance, the pressure created by it, electric drive power; equipment selection. Based on the proposed methodology, an algorithm has been created for calculating and selecting a pumping unit for transporting of liquid products from vehicles to a storage tank, or vice versa. The methodology and algorithm discussed in this article can be used in the design of storage facilities for various liquids at manufacturing plants, transshipment bases, etc.

Centrifugal pump, pumping unit, pipeline, liquid product, vehicle, storage tank, algorithm

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