Legal technique of the norms regulating the grounds for refusal to initiate a criminal procedure and the grounds for termination of a criminal procedure
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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the criminal procedural problems associated with the legal regulation of the grounds for refusing to initiate a criminal case and the grounds for terminating a criminal case. The authors note that at present the legislator’s approach to their systematization, as well as the content of individual grounds, are the cause of a number of problems that arise in law enforcement. In this regard, the need to improve these criminal procedure institutions is stated. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of legal regulation of the grounds for refusing to initiate a criminal case and the grounds for terminating a criminal case and suggesting possible ways to solve them. To achieve this goal, methods of analysis, synthesis, as well as formal-logical, formal-legal, comparative-legal research methods were used. In the work, based on legal and technical considerations, it is proposed to separate the grounds for refusing to initiate a criminal case and the grounds for its termination, fixing them in separate articles of the criminal procedure law. Arguments are also given in favor of distinguishing between such grounds as the absence of an event of a crime and the absence of corpus delicti in an act. Based on the analysis, the author proposes a list of grounds for both refusal to initiate a case and grounds for its termination. Conclusions are drawn that the proposals made will contribute to the improvement of the legal technique for presenting these grounds in the criminal procedure law and, as a result, to increase the efficiency of law enforcement activities aimed at implementing the non-punitive aspect of the appointment of criminal proceedings.

criminal procedure, criminal justice process, initiation of criminal procedure, termination of criminal procedure, event of crime, elements of crime
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