Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The use of dental implants provides aesthetic dental prosthesis and high functionality, and innovative concepts and ideas associated with pre-prosthetic reconstruction of the jaw, allow the patients to improve the quality of life through the use of dentures on implants. However, the dentists and the implantologists forget about the category of patients who have the expressed dental phobic reactions accompanied with the neuromuscular disorders as the reflexes, in particular a gag reflex. A special approach and comprehensive treatment with the use of additional measures to resolve adverse reactions is necessary for these patients. This allows to simplify the work of dentists and to improve the quality of life of patients. Analysis of the results of the use of analog techniques for obtaining print and intraoral scanning each patient in one visit was conducted in this study. After treatment the patients were interviewed and questioned about the perception of both methods. A secondary purpose of the study was to determine the time required for each procedure. In a small number of cases, the patients negatively perceived total time required for intraoral scanning. The use of analog techniques as print required less time than for intraoral scanning. On the basis of the study results, the authors concluded that the patients preferred the intraoral scanning. The authors note that to obtain prints by means of the traditional method wasn’t carried out in two patients with a particularly strong gag reflex, and to obtain prints using dental impression masses was difficult in 9 patients. The majority of patients perceived long intraoral scanning more positively than the traditional method of obtaining prints using dental impression masses.

dentistry, removable dentures, dental implants, dentures, gag reflex.

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