Background. Currently because of the high speed of the information refreshment teaching general non-specific knowledge and skills, including logical and psychological actions, gets greater value in the system of high pro-fessional medical education. Methods. The article contains data of the analysis of the Federal state education standard of the high professional education in the field “General medicine”. Results. As a result of the analysis it was revealed that there is no subject “Logic” in the specialist training program by this standard. Teaching of the logic actions isn’t provided by the course of mathematics or other disciplines. Subject “Psychology” accounts only for 0,4% of the general academic load. Taking into considera-tion change-over to biopsychosocial model of the doctor-patient interaction it is necessary to study the problem of increasing the time for the subject “Psychohlogy” learning in the standard “General medicine”. Conclusion. Taking into consideration large quantity of the competences, which realization demands the use of logical actions, it is rational to make scientific research and consideration of the question of including the course “Logic” in the basic educational program for specialists in the field of general medicine. There is a need for the special researches for the finding the optimal percentage of the academic load of the subject “Psycholo-gy” in the general academic load of the standard in the field “General medicine”.
medical education, logic, psychology, standard 060101, general medicine.
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