Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the work was to study the generation of reactive oxygen species under experimental stress in mice and their correction. The object of research were mice (n=57). In the experience of «Despair», we studied the effect of the antioxidant Mexidol-Vet® on locomotor activity, on the duodenal mucosa of mice, and the generation of reactive oxygen species by leukocytes in the blood. It was found that intramuscular administration of a 5 % solution of Mexidol-Vet® to mice at a dose of 40 mg/kg/day for 3 days before forced swimming contributes to a significant increase in the duration of horizontal swimming and a decrease in vertical locomotor activity by 3.26 times, compared with individuals receiving placebo. In the stress model, the stress-protective effect of the drug Mexidol-Vet was established in relation to the adrenal glands, duodenal mucosa (Pauls index was 0.66), «respiratory burst» and generation of reactive oxygen species by blood leukocytes (the maximum intensity and light sum of chemiluminescence were significantly higher than the value mice with placebo by 233.25 % and 231.28 %, respectively. The linear dependence of the variation in the kinetics of blood chemiluminescence is reflected in the formula: y= -3020.7x + 10793. The significance value of the approximation of the trend line was 0.991.

stress, forced swimming - experience of "Desperation", mice, Pauls index, Mexidol-Vet®, reactive oxygen species, chemiluminescence
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