, Russian Federation
VAC 06.02.01 Диагностика болезней и терапия животных, патология, онкология и морфология животных
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
The article summarizes the most up-to-date scientific research data, clinical experience of foreign colleagues and the author of the article regarding the indolent corneal ulcer in dogs. The modern view on the etiopathogenesis of the pathology is disclosed detailly. The clinical signs and forms of chronic corneal epithelial defects (CCED) are described. The entire list of drugs used for the therapeutic treatment of dogs with CCED is presented. Along with this, drugs are indicated the use of which is not rational for this type of corneal ulcers. The criteria for choosing a treatment approach and the principles of drawing up the therapeutic treatment regimens are described in the article. The method of surgical treatment, their advantages, and results are listed.
corneal ulcers, Boxers disease, adhesion complexes of epithelium basement membrane, debridement, blepharorhaphy, keratectomy
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