, Russian Federation
The article examines issues related to the definition of the value terms of large and especially large sizes as constructive signs of a crime under article 1713 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Conclusions are drawn that the studied signs are of no small importance for the qualification of a crime. The author notes that their determination in the process of qualification causes difficulties. This is due to the lack of normative regulation of the sequence of determining the value of the subject of the crime provided for by the above article. To resolve this problem, the author analyzed the mechanism for establishing the value of the subject of a crime in other categories of social relations that perform a protective function. Based on the results of the analysis, guided by the provisions of a systematic approach to the interpretation of criminal law, the author proposes a mechanism for determining the cost of illegally produced and circulating ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.
ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, large size, design feature, cost, establishment of a large size
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