The article examines certain peculiarities of economic crime as a specific manifestation of organized crime, the contents and manifestations of corporate crimes, and determines the grounds for and means of criminal prosecution of legal entities. The article analyses characteristic features of the objective and subjective aspects of the elements of crimes of corporate subjects, sources of the international legislation on legal combating the crimes by legal entities. The article looks into the problems of the doctrine on criminal responsibility of legal entities and conditions for formation of the mechanism of criminal and legal combating such area of crime in the sphere of economic activity, as corruption acts by legal entities, and justifies the need for the division of responsibilities between functionaries - natural persons and legal entities. The article investigates peculiarities of legal proceedings for legal entities’ prosecution, provision of procedural guarantees for the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities when applying measures of procedural compulsion, reasonability of the determined criminal-legal enforcement actions.
Economic crime, corporate offense, legal entities, responsibility of legal entities.
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