Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article follows an actual and under-researched problem of assessing the quality of physical training of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Semantic analysis of scientific publications has been based on the key unit «the quality of physical training of cadets». The author defined the semantic field of the studied frequency of occurring keywords, ranked by relevance. It is revealed that the included words are most often found in the organization of the learning process, without highlighting the specific foundations for assessing and diagnosing the quality of physical readiness of future employees. The formed array of phrases consisting of two words highlighted by the semantic processing system is determined by the following factors: the process of physical training and the assessment of the quality of physical training of cadets. The degree of interrelation of these groups was defined as 5/4. It should be noted that the quality of physical training of cadets lacks analysis in the scientific, methodological and educational literature; a multi-level assessment of the quality of physical readiness of future employees for professional activity is not presented.

physical training, cadets, quality, semantic analysis, assessment
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