Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author reviewed domestic and foreign publications that feature various methods of assessing the performance of municipal authorities, which is the most important criterion for determining the well-being of population. The article introduces an authentic method that relies on the analysis of performance indicators based on the predominance of the achieved values over the average converted values. The method makes it possible to quantify and interpret the level of the so-called "administrative rationality" of municipal self-government bodies. It converts the values of indicators into coefficients (dominance and achievement), elements, and integral values of efficiency. The transformed values are then systematized in the context of economy (assets, budget, wages, etc.) and social components (transport accessibility, land, population, housing, communal services, etc.). A comparative analysis determined the following effective municipal districts of the Kemerovo region: Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Yaya, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, and Izhmorka. The new method provides a transparent and objective assessment of municipal management.

methodology, evaluation, coefficient of dominance, coefficient of achievement, element of efficiency, efficiency component, integral value of efficiency, efficiency level, municipality, regional government
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