Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation
Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation
Kaluga, Russian Federation
The present research featured the career and professional development of the head of a modern organization. The status and career development of specialists and managers often come into dissonance. Managerialism, corruption, and other deformations create contradictions that require targeted and large-scale efforts, e.g. innovative career management technologies. The research objective was to analyze modern problems of managing the career and professional development of CEO personnel. The career and professional path of a CEO is a cultural phenomenon. They are closely related to one's development as a personality, a partner, and a specialist, which forms a system of competencies. These competencies also reflect and generate changes in the area of intrapersonal and interpersonal improvement. Personal development depends on the accumulation and processing of life and career experience. As a rule, this experience is neither purposeful nor reflexive. As a result, it gives little large-scale effect. The study and reflection should prevent and correct violations of professional-labor and social-career development, including careerograms, customized work trajectories, psychotechnologies of career management, etc. Performance of a manager is a multilevel system of interconnected individual components. Managerial performance can be improved as a systemic correlation of the existing and emerging qualities of a manager with the peculiarities of the organization, i.e. corporate culture, socio-psychological climate, internal education and mutual assistance, a system of selection and support, a system of professionally important qualities of an effective leader, ergo design of staff, psychophysiological harmony, etc.
social'no-psihologicheskie tehnologii, upravlenie, kar'era, menedzher, deformacii razvitiya, menedzherializm, korrupciya, polivariativnaya kar'era, akmeologicheskaya model', kar'erogramma
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