Legal regimes of anniversary medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation: criminal and legal aspects
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Abstract (English):
The Russian legislation regulating the sphere of state awards is fraught with gaps and conflicts that negatively affect the law enforcement decision-making. There is no uniformity in the sentences of the courts concerning the cases where the target of the crime are the state awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation. The article examines the legal regime of the anniversary medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation, among which the former belong to the state awards, and the latter are excluded from this of anniversary medals of the Russian Federation is not restricted, but the similar transactions with USSR anniversary medals is a criminal offence according to the Article 324 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author finds this provision not corresponding to the principles of justice, humanism and equality of citizens before the law. Based on the analysis of the legislation and the opinions of legal researchers, the author concludes that it is necessary to amend the federal legislation regulating relations in this area. The purpose of such changes is to establish a uniform approach to determining the legal regime of the anniversary medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and to eliminate gaps and conflicts of laws.

state awards, jubilee medals, legal regime, civil turnover of awards, criminal liability, Article 324 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
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