Russian Federation
This article discusses the concept of labor protection at the enterprise, the rights and obligations of the employee and employer in this area, as well as responsibility for noncompliance with labor protection requirements
labor protection, rights and obligations of the parties, labor protection requirements, responsibility
1. Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii. - URL: cons_doc_LAW_34683/ (data obrascheniya: 01.09.2021).
2. Vse pro osnovnye obyazannosti rabotnika v oblasti ohrany truda pered rabotodatelem. - URL: (data obrascheniya 01.09.2021).
3. Ohrana truda ot A do Ya. - URL: ohrana-truda-ot-a-do-ya/ (data obrascheniya: 16.09.2021).